Shipping & Delivery Policy
Do I have to pay for shipping?
We offer free shipping across India for all prepaid orders above ₹5000. For cash on delivery orders, a nominal convenience fee will be added during checkout. This convenience fee is non-refundable.
How long will it take for my order to reach me?
Our warehouse dispatches orders from Monday to Friday, and it takes another 2-10 working days for the order to reach you based on your location
Please note: The delivery timelines above are indicative only. Since we rely on our courier partners for delivery, this can vary due to factors that are outside our control.
Typical Transit Time By Delivery Location:
Within Maharashtra: 2-3 working days
Metros: 4-5 working days
Non-Metros and Interiors: 7-10 working days
Will all the items in my order be shipped in the same package?
Not necessarily. A single order may be shipped as multiple packages to ensure that your product(s) arrive safely and securely.